Public service


In this era of connected objects, Smart Cities and individual hypermobility, the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) technologies seems to be the must-have solution for sharing geographical information and improving public services.
Thanks to intelligent geo-location, collaborative technologies and the creation of geographical portals, local authorities now have powerful tools at their disposal for transforming their level of engagement and interaction with the people they serve and for forging a strong and enduring relationship.

Publishing and sharing information

Information publication and sharing : geo-portals

Geographical Information Systems make it possible to create comprehensive mapping applications for consulting and updating geographical information. Available on the Internet, these geo-portals assist the publication of geographical information and collaborative work. Based on the latest web development advances, cartographic portals offer optimal performance on very high-traffic websites.
Thanks to GIS technologies, government departments (health, land management, geographical institutes), and local authorities (regions, departments, grouping of local authorities, towns) are now offering members of the general public geographical information portals, enabling them to have a better understanding of their place of residence, thereby strengthening ties between the authorities and those they administer.
In just a few clicks, members of the public can access a precious and comprehensive source of information : institutions, businesses, leisure, historical and cultural heritage, bottle, textile and battery recycling banks, reserved parking bays...), temperatures, major risks (flooding, fires), road networks, 2D and 3D information, relief data, aerial photos…
For the authorities, these geo-portals also represent an efficient way of targeting their communication : organizing the movements of Highways Agency technicians’ with regard to setting up a new construction site, notifying hygiene officers having to cope with requirements and route changes, alerting users whose travel movements will be affected by these highway changes...
Beyond the publication of information, there are numerous features that help members of the public and public service users to organize their travel, such as route calculation (e.g. which is the shortest route to get to the town hall ?) and to identify points of interest, such as looking for infrastructure close to a given point (e.g. : which is the closest hospital to my home ?)
Examples of geographical portals for the general public :


Contribution and collaboration : geo-reporting

Cartographic portals and the latest GIS technological innovations put members of the public and public service users at the very heart of information systems and encourage collaboration.
The most connected towns can thus offer their residents, or those passing through, geo-located information : provision of new customized services, real time consultation of tourist information...
For their part, members of the public can now easily upload geo-located information to the municipal authorities : reporting deterioration in the urban environment for faster scheduling of clean-up operations, publishing photos depicting points of interest...


Our solutions and data

GEOCONCEPT offers a range of solutions covering all your territory analysis requirements.


Geographical Information System

The Geoconcept Geographical Information System is the central kernel of a range of dedicated data and software for managing territorial data.

Discover our Geoconcept Geographical Information System


Customized map rendering modules

Cartographic customization tools enable you to adapt the visual presentation to your requirements.

Discover our module for adding data-entry constraints Drawtools for Geoconcept

Discover our map editor module Publisher for Geoconcept


Mobility modules

Territory analysis tools are frequently used by specialists on the ground. It is then vital that they are able to access them on mobile terminals.

Discover our GIS module Geoconcept Mobile

Address geocoding solution

Accurate geographical positioning of your building addresses, equipment and territorial areas is an indispensable step in achieving reliable and accurate calculations.

Discover our geocoding solution Geoconcept Universal Geocoder


Partners' solutions

GEOCONCEPT has surrounded itself with partners specialized in GIS and public administration who have developed dedicated territory management applications based on Geoconcept technology including:

land registry management, examining town planning and real estate cases, cemetery management, water and sanitation, managing ski areas, managing road infrastructure, urban planning…

These are all applications that enable you to enhance your knowledge of the territory and improve your use of it intuitively and interactively.

Discover our partners' solutions