Local authorities and organizations in charge of setting up and operating technical (water, sanitation, street lighting...) and urban networks (transport, street furniture...) require mapping tools and geographical optimization solutions to manage their infrastructure efficiently.

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) enable public networks to be maintained efficiently and at lower cost.

Effective responses

Geographical Information Systems allow accurate mapping of the location of different public networks as well as identifying their technical characteristics and key points (valves, connections, panels or transformers, special equipment…). This cartographic representation and the consequent geographical analyses are a precious source of information when it comes to efficient network operation.
Being able to access comprehensive, reliable and centralized information in just a few clicks enables organizations operating public networks quickly to determine what to do and which resources to deploy  to repair and maintain public equipment and infrastructure. Responses on the ground are thus better targeted and can be accomplished more quickly.
Available in a mobile version, GEOCONCEPT’s GIS technologies enable service agent teams to consult and upload information directly from the field. The database is enriched in real time and the information centralized.
Thanks to the latest communication technologies, the public can now play a part in running their town’s networks via a collaborative and innovative geo-reporting system. For example, a member of the public can report a lighting problem in his street directly from his smartphone. The defective equipment is automatically identified on the map and a repair agent is dispatched to the location at the earliest opportunity to replace the bulb.


Route optimization

Local authorities have to manage their school transportation, household waste collection and infrastructure maintenance as efficiently as possible. They have to provide their services throughout their entire territory in a balanced way while controlling costs and optimizing the scheduling of their resources.
This makes the use of geographical optimization solutions indispensable in achieving appropriate and profitable rounds. They make it possible to calculate the best routes, while taking account of business constraints: vehicle capacities and costs, staff expertise and availability, specific road characteristics, callout duration, company and timetabling constraints, the number of pupils or dumpsters.
Optimized routes make it possible to reduce the mileage clocked up, reduce vehicle operating costs while improving service quality.

Maintenance and call scheduling

Maintenance and repair calls are carried out by field technicians. Complementing the map display, geographical optimization scheduling solutions make it possible to define the most appropriate service callout rounds. They ensure full coverage of the network (no breakdown is overlooked) and optimal team productivity.
These call scheduling solutions make it possible to take account of the business constraints associated with facilities maintenance: location of equipment, required expertise, call duration, cartographic and road data, etc. They also make it possible to manage emergencies and integrate them with your schedules in real-time.
Available on smartphones and tablets, mobile applications enable each resource to consult, in the field, online and offline, his or her diary information and to communicate in real time with the system : viewing appointments, posting and sending reports, mapping, checking  contact details, timestamping calls...
The technicians are then working with optimized planning: they spend more time on technical activities and less time on the road. Public quality service is improved. Local authorities become more responsive and are in control of monitoring their calls.

Real-time monitoring

Geographical optimization solutions also enable vehicles to be monitored in real time. By equipping mobile teams with a GPS device, authorities can easily track their movements on the ground on a map in real time : pinpointing collection or intervention vehicles, vehicle speed and operating status (brush rotation, position of the container lifting arms…).
These tools ensure schedules are adhered to and that the planned activities are correctly executed. They also make it possible to better understand the difficulties encountered on the ground and optimize the organization of the services in question.

Our solutions and data

GEOCONCEPT offers a range of solutions covering all your territory analysis requirements.


Geographical Information System

The Geoconcept Geographical Information System is the central kernel of a range of dedicated data and software for managing territorial data.

Discover our Geoconcept Geographical Information System


Mobility modules

Territory analysis tools are frequently used by specialists on the ground. It is then vital that they are able to access them on mobile terminals.

Discover our GIS module Geoconcept Mobile


Mobile teams scheduling

A full web solution, Opti-Time is a geo-optimisation and scheduling software suite which manages appointment, customer service and delivery schedules.

Discover our mobile teams scheduling


Customized map rendering modules

Cartographic customization tools enable you to adapt the visual presentation to your requirements.

Discover our module for adding data-entry constraints Drawtools for Geoconcept

Discover our map editor module Publisher for Geoconcept

Address geocoding solution

Accurate geographical positioning of your building addresses, equipment and territorial areas is an indispensable step in achieving reliable and accurate calculations.

Discover our geocoding solution Geoconcept Universal Geocoder


Fleet tracking

For optimal reactivity and efficiency on the field, Opti-Time communicate in real time with on-board systems and geo-localization solutions.

Discover our fleet tracking solution


Maps and data

GEOCONCEPT offers a complete range of data that enables to optimize field interventions.

See our data


Partners' solutions

GEOCONCEPT has surrounded itself with partners specialized in GIS and public administration who have developed dedicated territory management applications based on Geoconcept technology including:

land registry management, examining town planning and real estate cases, cemetery management, water and sanitation, managing ski areas, managing road infrastructure, urban planning…

These are all applications that enable you to enhance your knowledge of the territory and improve your use of it intuitively and interactively.

Discover our partners' solutions