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Our worldwide distributor network
Our network delivers a wide variety of services, and maintains the high service quality users have come to know and expect from GEOCONCEPT, with a full complement of distribution points and four types of service agreement: distributor, distributor-integrator, competence center, training center.
As part of its international expansion, this network offers a better geographical proximity, in order to provide the highest quality of service.

GEOCONCEPT is present in Asia thanks to its reseller and technology partners that sell GEOCONCEPT solutions in addition to their own deployment, implementation and BI services. Discover our distributor network in China, India and Japan.
Discover distributors in Asia
Navinfo, China’s leading provider of navigable digital map data, dynamic traffic information and Automotive integrated information services for global customers, boasts the international most advanced core technologies for navigable map production with over 10 years of experience.
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oTMS is a pioneer of a commercialized community-based transportation management system in China. It innovates state-of-the-art cloud platforms with full mobile support to connect transport and seamlessly combines all the parties involved in the transportation lifecycle.
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Quantum Asia is a leading provider of supply chain solutions in China. It has a broad set of domestic and overseas clients. It has self developped logistics products.
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Sky Productivity makes unique ideas into reality whatever the industry (healthcare, education, retail, hospitality or service industry) be an end to end services for the web, mobile and ecommerce projects. They help in creating a strong online presence with smart, interactive, updated and responsive solutions for the end-users.
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Geoplan will become a total solution provider to aggregate excellent services and products, to embody sustainable asset management that will also assist global customers as well as domestic customers.
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Midland is a consulting company specialized in providing management solutions for companies in Japan. They help companies mainly in auditing and with the insight they acquired, they also provide innovative suggestions to help reducing the cost.
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Our Europe reseller partners will help you choose the right software and services for your GIS, geomarketing and optimization needs. They have experience implementing GEOCONCEPT solutions and leverage their diverse backgrounds to help you implement and support the right solution.
Discover distributors in Europe

Geo Solutions is a Belgian company, specialised in delivering resources, services and solutions based on concepts from the worlds of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT). Geo Solutions designs and creates GEO-ICT solutions that support your strategic and operational decision making processes.
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KnowingWhere, société spécialisée en cartographie numérique appliquée (ou géomatique), innove tous les jours et propose le meilleur à ses clients. Elle peut s'appuyer sur plus de 20 d'expérience dans l’utilisation de l’information localisée. Le géomarketing est le premier de ses domaines d’excellence, tant au niveau de la connaissance métier (méthodologie de l'approche et connaissance terrain) que des outils utilisés. La logistique, l’optimisation des tournées et la planification des interventions constituent une autre dimension de son savoir-faire.
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Czech Republic
CSmap s.r.o. has been founded in 1995. The main scope of the company is to provide top class products and services in the field of geographic information systems (GIS) including geocoding and GIS/CAD format transformation, optimization tools for delivery and sales representatives routes and delivery and creation of digital maps of the Czech and Slovak republic. CSmap provides both training and consulting services and development of custom mapping solutions.
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Estran è una società commerciale specializzata in applicativi e tecnologie per aziende che trasportano cose o persone, coordinano reti di vendita o assistenza tecnica o gestiscono flotte di veicoli e beni distribuiti sul territorio.
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Specialized in the field of training and development of custom GIS projects, the company undertook in 2009 an expansion and diversification of its business processes. GeoPoint decided to include in his offer GEOCONCEPT's solutions for geomarketing and mobility.
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Logistema provides supply chain and logistics consultancy services. Our approach is result driven, and our projects aim to bring a higher return on assets, reduce the working capital and increase the customer service level. We want to deliver to our clients solutions that give them competitive advantages, improving their sustainability, profits and efficiency.
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Lanroute, distribuidor en España del sistema líder para optimización de rutas: horeca, comerciales, gpv, gestores de puntos de venta, distribución, servicios sat, recogidas y entregas.
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United Kingdom
CACI provides solutions to make the best possible location planning and customer targeting decisions.
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North America
GEOCONCEPT combines its expertise with the know-how of its US partners in a common goal: create more value added to its customers.
Discover our distributor in North America
Produce Pro is an expert providing innovative business and technology solutions to fresh produce businesses and the perishables industry. Produce Pro software is a comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that helps companies of all sizes increase their organizational efficiency, minimize waste and loss, and grow revenue.
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South America
GEOCONCEPT is present in several countries in South America. Thanks to its reseller partner network, you can get our solutions from companies that understand the product, how it fits your business and that can recommend the right package.
Discover distributors in South America

Geograph is specialized in the sales of services such as Training, Development and Implementation of GIS solutions, and technical consulting. Geograph distributes the geomarketing and route optimization software of Opti-Time and now the GEOCONCEPT suite of software.
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Somos una empresa con cinco años de permanencia en la industria de consultoría, integración y comercialización de soluciones de optimización logística y transporte.
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SERVINFORMACIÓN S.A. es una empresa que nace como resultado del esfuerzo y la dedicación de un grupo de profesionales especializados en diferentes áreas de la consultoría y en la recolección de Información e Implementación de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Se dedica al diseño, desarrollo, producción y comercialización de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, bases de datos y realización de proyectos de recolección de información. Lo anterior, dirigido a diferentes sectores de la industria y a las necesidades de los clientes.
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En BiTechnology nos especializamos en dar consultoría y brindar soluciones tecnológicas que ayuden a las empresas a identificar nuevos clientes, encontrar áreas de crecimiento y optimizar operaciones. Nos alineamos a la estrategia de cada organización generando valor y aumentando su rentabilidad.
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ITSmart Solutions, es una empresa de negocios tecnológicos fundamentada en el estilo gerencial liberal, con prácticas de consultoría innovadores en: planeación estratégica, investigación, desarrollo tecnológico y mercadotecnia estratégica. Contamos con una plataforma de TI geográfica para almacenar, organizar, visualizar, analizar y distribuir toda la información que contenga un componente espacial y que ayude a los tomadores de decisiones a tener una visión espacial de su entorno.
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North Alpha es una empresa dedicada a proveer servicios y desarrollos de software de calidad, con reconocida experiencia en soluciones tradicionales y geográficas para compañías de alto nivel que buscan optimizar sus procesos, explorar nuevas dimensiones y herramientas para la toma de decisiones, brindando ventajas tecnológicas frente a sus competidores.
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Optimizamos distribución, ventas, promotoría, ubicación, territorios y transporte escolar con enfoque en la reducción de costos logísticos y mejora en servicio a clientes. Integramos la optimización logística con Seguimiento Interactivo y control de actividades terrestres por medio de teléfonos inteligentes.
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Ekodes is a consulting company specialized in providing management solutions for public and private companies through geographic information technologies. With over 15 years of experience, Ekodes is the Peruvian pioneer in the use of GIS and satellite imagery.
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Become a reseller
For 30 years GEOCONCEPT have been at the forefront of technology to ensure that our solutions provide you with the greatest ROI. Throughout such long journey we have been pleased with an active and comprehensive partner landscape. This network embraces industry leaders from the branches of Track&Trace systems, data management, logistic experts, product resellers, consulting companies and system integrators. We work with the best to bring our customers integrated, wide-ranging solutions. Become part of this community.
Becoming a GEOCONCEPT Group reseller is:
- collaborating intelligently by pooling our expertise;
- co-building high value-added solutions for our customers;
- meeting the demands of our customers and prospective customers with powerful and innovative solutions;
- creating genuine synergy between partners to offer the most competitive technologies on the best possible terms.
The resellers GEOCONCEPT is looking for:
- System integrators;
- Transport Management System experts & editors;
- Salesforce specialists.