Le module Publisher for GeoConcept est un outil complémentaire au Système d’Information Géographique Geoconcept

A map editing tool

The Publisher for Geoconcept module is an add-on tool to the Geoconcept Geographical Information System (GIS) that allows map publishing to be associated with database management in a common environment.

This combination makes it possible to create a universe with an introduction to map publishing while retaining the precise technical description of the geographical information.
This enables you to avoid exporting system data to specific DTP tools, requiring the information to be reformatted all over again.

Publisher for Geoconcept is intended for users of the Geoconcept Geographical Information System who want to master all the links in the geographical information processing chain: data collection and analysis, high-quality types of presentation for specific rendering, printing.
Any modification of the initial data is reflected in the display. Conversely, any improvement or enrichment of the ways in which the geographical information is presented is saved in the database.


Toutes les fonctions standard du SIG sont exploitables pour organiser les données

Main features

All the standard functions of the GIS can be used to organize the data:
  • Data-entry of map objects and their attributes
  • Dynamic use of the database and selection of the objects in space
  • Use of queries and lists to sort and filter data
  • Creation and manipulation of reusable styles;
  • Multi-geometry autonomy
  • interactive retouching tools
  • Cancellation management
  • Storage of the objects’ graphical attributes in the database
  • Embellishing the design with styles associated with the objects by the use of artificial layers (example: line, dot, polygon, text) conferring the ability to define the look of each object
  • Exporting the aforementioned styles to the XML format for reuse in another map on other objects
  • Exporting to PostScript formats for printing (color separation in CMJN) or FLASH for using maps within websites


GEOCONCEPT is offering a number of additional modules for Publisher for Geoconcept :

  • Publisher Viewer, which enables you to view a map rendering made with the Publisher for Geoconcept module
  • Publisher Enterprise, which enables maps to become intelligent. It supports dynamic and optimized text positioning on a map or at a point location (multi-geometry, publishing tools, export frames).

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