

THESEIS is a consulting firm that has been supporting wealth management professionals for 20 years in all stages of their business processes, from the search for prospects to the follow-up of their projects. The company offers to its clients a complete range of products and services, centralized on an online platform:

  • prospects investors in search of solutions for tax exemption, real estate or financial investments (appointments, e-contacts);
  • selected movable and immovable products that meet the requirements of the market and the needs of their customers;
  • tools to simplify their prospecting;
  • daily support to accelerate the development of their activity (training, legal assistance, financing solutions...).

Key figures

  • Broker and consultant since 1998;
  • 90 employees;
  • more than 600 federated partners throughout France;
  • 3,000 real estate sales per year;
  • €50 million in financial investment income.

The challenge

Better understanding the specificities of the real estate market to improve project selection

Investing in real estate requires a thorough understanding of the market specificities, in particular the fundamental and decisive criteria for a rental investment: location, rental potential, sustainability and construction quality. For this purpose, THESEIS has an in-house study service, the Laboratory of Real Estate®, which analyses the environment on the basis of tangible facts, including statistics, throughout the country. The results are used to validate the relevance of upstream real estate transactions. To refine its real estate studies and better visualize market opportunities for its customers, THESEIS wants to rely on an intuitive geomarketing solution. Since the users are neither geomaticians nor computer scientists, one of its priorities is the simplicity and ergonomics of the tool.

The solution brought by GEOCONCEPT

THESEIS chooses to deploy Geoconcept Sales & Marketing, a geomarketing analysis tool that allows to process very large volumes of information and especially to organize them, and to refocus at a geographical level. The key for THESEIS which was looking for a tool for estate visualization and analysis, a key in decision-making.
Geoconcept Sales & Marketing enables the points of interest to be cross-referenced with the socio-demographic data of INSEE (French national institute for statistical and economic studies), and business intelligence within a unique tool. It provides a comprehensive overview of all relevant decision-making data.

Geomarketing optimizes risk management and opens up new perspectives

Thanks to Geoconcept Sales & Marketing, THESEIS minimizes risk-taking for both its business partner and the end customer. The information that has been upstream used in the selection of operations is returned downstream to the trading partners and ultimately to the final customer in a transparent manner. The information from the geomarketing studies is shared with the business partners, for each referenced operation, on the THESEIS platform.

Discover Geoconcept Sales & Marketing


Reduced risk-taking

Better decision making

Easy and transparent information sharing

"Very quickly, the solution of a geographical information system was required to have this analytical approach throughout France. The study part with the Sales & Marketing module perfectly corresponds to our need for territory analysis in order to secure and systematize our approach, regardless of the operation and the territory. In particular, GEOCONCEPT allows us to validate operation locations with a property engagement committee. For example, we can analyze commuting flows, commuting journeys to determine whether it is rather a residential commune or a municipality that will offer a pool of jobs. This expertise that we have developed thanks to GEOCONCEPT, we want to offer it outside through the Real Estate Laboratory. This is already the case since we have promoter clients, communication agencies, crowdfunding platforms, who ask for site studies or feasibility studies and we want to multiply these partnerships tomorrow to effectively increase our expertise beyond the borders of THESEIS."

Franck Vignaud, Marketing Director at THESEIS

White paper: Commercial and logistical territory management

Definitions, methodology, analysis… This white paper aims to give you the keys to understand territory management principles and main interest for sales activities.

Download the white paper  

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